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Hipster’s Style in Web Design and Logo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris non laoreet dui. Morbi lacus massa, euismod ut turpis molestie, tristique sodales est. Integer sit amet mi id sapien tempor molestie in nec massa.


Minimalistic Design Forever

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris non laoreet dui. Morbi lacus massa, euismod ut turpis molestie, tristique sodales est. Integer sit amet mi id sapien tempor molestie in nec massa.


Looking Back

It's been more than a month now, since I have been in the lovely country of Romania. It's been a long month, filled with emotions and unfortunate events and when you have a month like that it seems as though time stretches out and what came before seems much farther away than it maybe otherwise would have.

I had to leave early, due to family reasons, but here is what I remember from my last few (I didn't know they were my last few) days in Romania.