Are you busy during the school year, but would like to come for a summer? We would love to talk! We have students come through a variety of schools for internship opportunities beyond Fara Limite and VIATA.These groups of 6-15 students come for two weeks of intense immersion. They live with host families, visit non-profits and child development agencies, and spend a few days at the Viața ropes course.
In the past, students have come through summer study abroad programs with St. Joseph’s College and Harrisburg Area Community College. We are also collaborate with other schools such as RICE University, Florida A&M, and Austin Community College to offer longer summer opportunities, varying in research intensity and structure. Research proposals have been created for students to develop active-citizen ethnographic research projects, or help build sustainable eco-tourism facilities within the Jiu Valley such as a mountain biking trail.
If you or your university is interested in either a full summer or 2-3 week experience for students, please contact us today!
"It was astounding to see firsthand how the NHF gives opportunities and a voice to children in their communities. To see how they take action in their communities in ways some government leaders do not was very moving to see. Although I only worked with the kids for a short amount of time, they brought such brightness and happiness in my life and they are truly an inspiration to both kids and adults everywhere!" – Victoria, Summer 2016
"Marketing this trip and collaboration with New Horizons is difficult because so many of the positive outcomes are subtle, gently seeping into the character and life aspirations of students during their stay in Lupeni. But I think much of the benefit can be summed up in the concept of "modeling": Romanian teens modeling a zest for life and a desire to help their community; NHF personnel who have left home for long periods of time to positively affect a small community; interactions with host families who model living in the moment and a deep caring for family and friends; and the list goes on.
As the saying goes, these students "will never be completely at home again because part of [their] heart will always be elsewhere." But what this saying doesn't acknowledge is how much their old concept of "home" has now been enlarged and enlivened by their work with NHF and the communities it serves."